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PLR (Private Label Rights) is a powerful tool that can help you build your email list quickly and efficiently. With PLR, you have access to pre-written articles, reports, and eBooks that you can use to create valuable lead magnets for your audience.

But how do you use PLR effectively to build your list? In this article, we will share some tips on how to use PLR for list building and outrank other websites that offer similar content.

1. Use PLR articles as blog posts

You can use PLR articles as blog posts for your website. Make sure to customize the articles to make them unique and optimize them for search engines. Add a call to action (CTA) at the end of each post to encourage readers to join your email list. Make sure to rewrite the content to make it unique and add your own voice to it.

2. Create lead magnets

You can use PLR content to create lead magnets that you offer in exchange for email addresses. Some examples of lead magnets include eBooks, videos, checklists, and templates. Customize the content to make it unique and valuable to your audience.  The possibilities are really endless as to what you can do to offer value to your subscribers.

Once you have created your PLR lead magnet, it’s time to promote it. You can promote it on your website, social media channels, and through paid advertising.

The more visibility your lead magnet gets, the more leads you will generate. Make sure to include a clear call-to-action and a compelling headline that entices your audience to sign up for your list.

Finally, it’s important to follow up with your subscribers after they have downloaded your PLR lead magnet. Send them a welcome email and introduce yourself, thank them for downloading your resource, and provide additional value to them.

This is your opportunity to build a relationship with your subscribers and nurture them into becoming loyal customers. Keep providing them with valuable content and offers, and you’ll see your list grow and your business thrive.

3. Create a quiz or survey

Creating a quiz or survey is a fun and interactive way to engage with your audience and gather their contact information. You can use PLR content to create the questions and answers for your quiz or survey. Make sure to include a call to action at the end of the quiz or survey, encouraging your participants to sign up for your email list.

4. Create email courses

You can use PLR content to create free email courses that you offer to your subscribers. Break the content down into a series of emails that provide value and build trust with your audience. Make sure to include a call to action CTA at the end of each email, encouraging your subscribers to take action and sign up for your paid products or services.

5. Use PLR content for social media posts

You can use PLR content to create social media posts that drive traffic to your website and encourage people to join your email list. Customize the content to fit the platform and add a CTA (call to action) at the end of each post.  There are many different kinds of social media posts that you can create with adding videos and graphics.

6. Create a newsletter

You can use PLR content to create a regular newsletter that you send to your subscribers. Provide value and keep your subscribers engaged with content that is unique and relevant to your audience.  Everyone enjoys getting newsletters in their emails.

To customize PLR content, consider the following:

  • Rewrite the content to add your own voice and perspective.
  • Add examples or case studies that are specific to your niche or audience.
  • Update statistics or facts that may be outdated.
  • Add images or other visual elements to enhance the content.
  • Edit the headlines and subheadings to make them more attention-grabbing.
  • Add calls to action that are relevant to your audience and your email list goals.

We have learned that using PLR content can be an effective way to quickly grow your email list. By creating lead magnets, email courses, blog posts, quizzes, surveys, and social media posts, you can provide value to your audience and encourage them to sign up for your email list. Just make sure to customize the PLR content to fit your brand and add your own voice to it.


Another thing to keep in mind is that not all PLR content is created equal. Some PLR content may be outdated, low-quality, or irrelevant to your audience. It’s important to carefully choose the PLR content you use and to only use content that is high-quality and relevant to your audience.

Overall, PLR content can be a valuable tool for list building when used correctly. By customizing the content to make it unique and relevant to your audience, you can create valuable lead magnets and other content that can help you grow your email list and your online business.

You can change the titles, add images, and even add your own commentary to make the content more valuable to your audience. The goal is to make the content your own while still providing the same level of value that the original PLR provided.


In conclusion, using PLR for list building can be a powerful tool for your business. By choosing high-quality content, customizing it to fit your brand, using it as a lead magnet, promoting it, and following up with your subscribers, you can build a strong and engaged email list that will help you grow your business and outrank other websites in Google.

If you want to read more information about how to boost your website traffic just visit –>


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Mary Anne LaJoie
Mary Anne LaJoie

It has been a longtime passion of mine to learn all about internet marketing and become as proficient as I can to eventually help others pursue this path.

    2 replies to "6 Ways to Use PLR (Private Label Rights) Content for Listbuilding"

    • Thomas Quigley

      Excellent post. Your layout is very appealing and your information is Rock Solid! Thanks for showing me how it’s doen!

      • Mary Anne LaJoie

        You’re welcome and thank you very much for the nice comment. I have PLR and as easy as it is I did not know quite how to start to use it. It is one of the easiest things to get started with in this industry without a lot of technical issues. I am the queen of tech crash and burn! 🙂

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