Information marketing is one of the easiest online businesses to get started in. You don’t need to know anything about computers or marketing or sales to do information marketing. You don’t even need to have any knowledge of marketing or computers to make your own information products. Information marketing is very easy if you follow a few simple rules.

Rule 1: Be Objective

You will be in trouble if you believe you can ‘sell’ yourself. You cannot ‘sell yourself’. You are a provider. You cannot ‘sell’ your product or service. You are providing a service. Information is not a commodity.

Rule 2: Be Generous

Give yourself plenty of time to start and finish all your activities and activities to finish the whole process.

Rule 3: Be Objective

Only look at your own project when evaluating the success of it. You cannot evaluate the success of the project if you are looking at someone else’s project. You don’t know if that project is going to deliver what they say it is. You don’t even know if any bugs are going to get fixed. You don’t know if it’s going to be ready on time.

Rule 4: Be Generous

Don’t compare yourself to anyone in your industry.

Rule 5: Be Generous

Do not set yourself up too high and too fast. Set yourself up to do things well. Be patient and give yourself time. Work the process.

Rule 6: Be Generous

Be positive. Be hopeful. Be positive. Have a vision.

Rule 7: Be Generous

Be patient. Be Generous. Be patient with mistakes. Be Generous with the process and the results. Be positive with your thoughts. If you are negative you are not generating your results. If you are thinking pessimistic things you won’t be happy with your results.

Be Generous. Be Positive. Be Patient. Be Generous with your results. The sooner you start the sooner you’ll get your results. I’ve been working with this approach for a while now. I’ve never finished a project before. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be done.

I’ve got you covered with Rule #7. Be Generous with how you evaluate your results.

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Mary Anne LaJoie
Mary Anne LaJoie

It has been a longtime passion of mine to learn all about internet marketing and become as proficient as I can to eventually help others pursue this path.

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